Thursday, June 18, 2009

Modern Art

Lunch with Mark and Carol

We met up with Mark and Carol at the end of our street at 1:00 and quickly found an outdoor cafe for lunch. It was a Thai restaurant and we got a great deal on lunch. What a way to start out the day.

Centre George Pomidou

On Tuesday, we made plans to visit the Centre Georges Pompidou. This unusual structure has all of its internal workings (pipes and supports) on the outside. The building was very controversial (as many things are in Paris) when it was constructed in the 70's. A mere 20 years after it opened and it required a significant restoration, as it had deteriorated quickly. The structure is named after the then president George Pompidou. This museum is virtually in our backyard, and we have never visited. I have to admit that modern art often escapes me. I can appreciate more traditional art, as it usually invokes some emotional response. Modern art often leaves me feeling either confused or bleak and depressed. But in the interest of expanding my sensitivities we went.

The first exhibit focused on women artists, and there were some interesting facts incorporated into the exhibit. "Less than 5% of the artists in the Modern Art section are women, but 85% of he nudes are female". Much of the exhibit focused on oppression of women - sexual and political. Some of the exhibits were disturbing, and certainly evoked extreme emotion. There was a lot of mixed media art. I found one video piece showing a women hoola hooping with barbed wire on the beach rather upsetting. I was drawn to watch yet appalled by the wounds created by the wire. The raw emotions created by viewing the art made it difficult to find deeper meaning.

We moved up to the top floor where artists from 1905-1960 are featured. The museum has a rather extensive collection including works by Picasso, Braque, Matisse, Miro, Gris, Dali, Calder, DuChamp and many others. While this art was more easily consumed, I'm not so sure that I fully appreciate its meaning. For me it was an opportunity to expand the mind. I can't say that I got it all, but I left with a better appreciation for the art form.

Carol's Place

Afterwards we stopped in another outdoor cafe before our scheduled dinner with Lora. Carol is staying with her friends Lora and Craig. Craig is out of town on business, so we went to dinner with Lora and then returned to their apartment. They have a huge apartment close to Montparnasse. It has a wrap around balcony with a wonderful view of the Eiffel Tower and the Montparnasse tower. Lora shared some fine wine that they discovered from a winery in France.

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